Where to Find Cheap Fabric to Practice Sewing


When you’re learning to sew, you’ve really got to just dive in and start sewing. But fabric can be expensive and you don’t want to destroy that gorgeous fabric.

Here are some of my favourite sources of cheap fabric to practice sewing, so you can grow your sewing skills without shrinking your bank balance (too much)!

Remnant bins can contain discounted fabric from the end of a bolt or that has been incorrectly cut. Sometimes the fabric is damaged or dirty.

Remnant Bin or Clearance Racks in Fabric stores

Whether it’s because someone no longer sews, are downsizing or just realise they are never going to sew that fabric in their stash, fabric bundles sometimes come up on Craigslist.


There are local Buy Nothing Groups that promote giving away useful items within your local community. I occasionally see fabric pop up in my local group.


Some thrift stores have a fabric section. Fabric pieces may be partially used, resulting in strange-shaped pieces, but still have plenty of useful fabric, depending on your project.

Thrift stores/Charity Stores

Larger sized clothing can be cut down to sew clothing for kids or other smaller items (or just to practice sewing different types of fabric. It can feel like you’re contributing to fast fashion, but that is a personal choice.

Clearance racks at fashion stores

Estate Sales – sadly, it’s not uncommon for people not to have anyone to share their fabric collection with when they pass, and fabric and other notions can be up for sale at bargain prices.

Secondhand Goods Sales

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