Is your fabric stash stifling your creativity?
Just before we moved overseas, I had some tough decisions to make. We only had a small freight allowance and most of our stuff was going into storage or getting sold/given away. And my fabric stash and craft supplies didn’t miss the cull.
As I looked at each piece of fabric in my stash, I asked the KonMari question: “does this spark joy?”. I thought I’d reply yes to everything (and then have the decision of storage or take), but I was surprised at the feelings that came up. Bad fabric buying experiences came flooding to my mind:
- The fabric I’d bought online where the colours weren’t what was on my computer.
- The babyish print fabrics that my kids are now too old for (why didn’t I ever sew them?)
- The I Spy squares that I’d bought in a swap, but never used (was I ever really going to use them?).
- Strange fabric types that look pretty but I had no idea how to use.
- The horrible fabric my husband bought in an African market as a joke!
I didn’t love these fabrics. I looked back to times when I wanted to sew, but nothing in my stash inspired me. I felt guilty that I had so much fabric, and yet nothing to sew. I didn’t think I should buy more fabric, so I’d just didn’t sew.
Or worse, I’d use what I had and make something that I didn’t truly love, not enjoying the sewing experience.
Sewing is about creating something unique, something special, something just right. But my fabric stash didn’t inspire that.
After I worked through my piles of fabric, culling the obvious mistake purchases and fabric I’d grown out of (that happens, right?), it was time to decide what to put on the plane to my new life.
I thought of the projects I’d make with each fabric. Would I make the project in the near future (we’re only going to be overseas for a few years), or is it one of those grand plan fabrics that realistically won’t happen anytime soon?
As I sorted, I felt my passion for sewing return. I thought about the fun, easy projects I’ve wanted to make. I dreamt of the more complicated projects I felt ready to attack. I wanted to get sewing again!
But alas, I had to put my sewing machine in a box and wait for its arrival in my new home.
At least I know I’ll be inspired unpacking all my favourite fabrics!
Have you had a big fabric stash cull? Did you feel relieved and inspired when it was done?